Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone - Let the Drinking Suspend!

Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome to my blog (1 Year in the Forest), an interactive journal documenting my 2011 experience.  Sometime last year, I decided to see what giving up alcohol for an entire year would be like.  Organizing my thoughts on this subject in advance, I realized that alcohol had become a major part of my lifestyle.

The news of my endeavor brought mixed feedback from my friends and family. "Why would you want to do that?" " Good for you!"  "Do you think you have a problem?"  These were only some of the reactions I received from those close to me.  So it wasn't a surprise when many of my friends, those that shared my love of Microbrew Beer and Rich and Bold Full-Body Red Wine, reacted with concern, suspect, and their own denial.  Some simply could not fathom why I would want to even attempt such a quest.  That's when I realized that this would be a remarkable experience similar to spending 1 Year in the Forest, thus I decided to document it in this blog.


Sounds like an introduction line in a book, right?  Well, here's where I tell you my purpose for this blog.  First, I want an avenue to express my experiences over the next year (in words and photos).  Second, I hope to share that experience with those who shared their support and concern over my decision.  And finally, I hope readers find this enlightening, entertaining, and amusing.  Please don't hesitate to respond to this blog.  Your inputs and experiences are very important to me.  I look forward to sharing with you!


1 comment:

  1. A worthy blogging subject! I look forward to reading about your journey. Katherine
